Features of Bob Carpenter's Baseball Scorebook

The Scorebook comes in 3 styles
- Radio (200 Games)
- Television (100 Games)
- Fan (100 Games)
See below to check out the difference between the different styles.
Bob Carpenter's Baseball Scorebook gives you a complete description of your game for accurate reporting AND great reference to use throughout the season. Bob Carpenter will enclose a personal key to using the Scorebook to its maximum effectiveness.
Three Different Styles...What's The Difference?
The Scorebook comes in 3 styles: Radio, TV and Fan. The Radio and TV books are designed for broadcasters who cover baseball professionally, while the Fan book is designed to be more compact for fans taking it to the game or using it at home. Each style of books has distinctive and exclusive features:
The books are identical in layout and the only difference is in the number of games … Radio 200 (designed for a full season + spring training and/or playoffs) … TV 100 (designed for a partial season). These books have features that are crucial to broadcasters: sections for Defense, Bench Players, Bullpen Pitchers and a blank area for notes. Each of these sections comes with extra space for entering statistics relevant to that area. Umpires are also positioned as they are on the field for quick ID during a bang-bang play. Team Records across the top of the page help broadcasters track a team’s win-loss record, plus records for home, away and versus teams in every division and interleague play, and recently-added is a mini-scoreboard at the top of the right page. The Lineup section features large boxes for player names and stats, plus a large #9 hole for National League games and the ability to create a pitcher’s “#10 hole” for American League games.
The grid has a maximum of 15 innings. The Radio/TV versions are 8 ½” x 11” opened to one page, and double that when the book is completely laid open. This book has been used by hundreds of major league, minor league and college announcers across the nation. It was first designed in 1984 and has undergone several revisions since. -
This book, with a capacity of 100 games, was designed in 1998 and is more compact for taking to the game, but it also has its own unique features. The Lineup grid is the same as the bigger books but, due to size limitations, only has room for 13 innings. Not available in the Fan version are the Bench and Bullpen boxes, plus the Defense section. The Fan book has an inning-by-inning scoreboard across the top of the page in lieu of the specialized team records; this is something a number of fans requested in their version. This book is 8 ½” x 7” opened to one page, and 8 ½” x 14” when completely open. The Washington Nationals version of the Fan book is identical to the regular Fan book, with the exception of several Nationals references on the Scorebook Key page and the NL/AL grid pages, plus a red cover featuring the Nationals’ official logo.Â
The Washington scorebook is available only at the Nationals Park Team Store.Â
The original St. Louis Fan book, designed in ’98 for Cardinals fans, is no longer available.
9 Reasons Why Bob Carpenter's Baseball Scorebook Is The Best!
(1) Durable cover and binding AND the book lies flat either open full or with just one page in view.
(2) Final totals for Runs-Hits-Errors-Left on Base, as well as Winning and Losing Pitchers and Saves.
(3) Umpires, positioned as they are on the field.
(4) Defense, with plenty of room for stats and changes.
(5) Standings, with room for two leagues and three divisions.
(6) Miscellaneous information that's important to you.
(7) Lineups adaptable with or without the DH.
(8) Bench players available, perfect to match with...
(9) Bullpen pitchers, for late-game situations.